On Monday 21 May 22 Brownies along with their leaders and helpers came to our bowls clubhouse to learn a little about lawn bowls. Despite the drizzle, then the downpour, they had a great time on the green before the torrential rain forced the brownies, their leaders and our members to go into the clubhouse. It was great to see enthusiasm and an interest from all the Brownies, some of whom may well become bowlers in the future.
Eight of our members were at the club to help ensure the Brownies were given suitable information including Roy Loft who did so much to ensure that adequate bowls for younger people were available for use. A great example how as a local bowls club, we can reach out into the community and show support.
Interested in Joining our Bowls Club
If you wish to find out more about our bowls club or arrange a visit please click the button below and complete the form and one of our club secretaries will contact you shortly.