The Clubhouse & Green

Our Clubhouse

At the very heart of Bexleyheath and Barnehurst Bowls Club is the clubhouse & green. We are situated in Russell Park, Long Lane, Bexleyheath, Kent. 

We share both the clubhouse & green with our sister club- Helio Mirror. Since 2014, members for both Bexleyheath and Barnehurst Bowls Club and Helio Mirror Bowls Club have been responsible for maintaining the green. 

Stewards from Bexleyheath and Barnehurst Bowls Club and Helio Mirror are appointed on match days throughout the season who ensure that facilities are in order for use by visitors and home players alike. Anyone using the clubhouse eg social events, are responsible for leaving the clubhouse neat and tidy. 

The Green

The green is primarily maintained by representatives of our club under the guidance of Hamish McGregor with Wally Hardwick, Head Greenkeeper, supported by others including Barry Spall. Obviously the prime purpose is to ensure that the playing surface is in tip-top condition throughout the season mindful of the ever changing and challenging climate in the UK.
The Green at Bexleyheath and Barnehurst Bowls Club

The grass is usually cut three times each week which is the responsibility of Wally Hardwick. Depending on the current and forecasted rainfall, the green is watered usually in the evenings/overnight. Members recognise the dedicated work undertaken by Wally and Barry and the other volunteers who regularly help out throughout the year.

From time to time including end of season treatment to the green and pre season pruning of the surrounding trees and bushes, members from both bowls clubs provide their valued support. This help is vital in ensuring we have a good green to bowl on together with most pleasant surroundings which include stratigically placed wooden benches for spectators.

The Clubhouse

The clubhouse includes a kitchen and is of a sufficient size allowing the playing of short-mat bowls which is particularly very popular in the closed season.

Current regulations and guidances allows upto 60 people to use the clubhouse at any one time. We often get close to this limit when we have a tribute act entertaining us.

The clubhouse benefits from having glass windows on two sides of the french doors which open to allow spectators to watch matches away from any strong breeze or indeed strong sunshine. In winter the clubhouse is warmed by electric radiators.

The Clubhouse
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